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Hello, I hope you are well, I need super urgent help if you can help me as much as possible, PLEASE I NEED SUPER URGENT HELP, I explain what happened to me, I installed the custom resolotion utility (CRU) application and I was changing resolutions. I pressed the option restard64.exe, my monitor turned off and turned on again and then, I got a box with 3 options (there i left an image of the painting), which were:
-Subtract again
-recovery mode (F8)
-exit. and press recovery mode (F8) and the screen went black. Restart the pc, turn it off, try to enter safe mode with F8 and nothing is black. IF YOU COULD REALLY HELP I WOULD REALLY THANK YOU, I NEED URGENT HELP PLEASE
(09-07-2012 09:06 PM)ToastyX Wrote: [ -> ]Before making any changes, familiarize yourself with getting into safe mode using a recovery drive in case you can't see the screen. If you don't have a recovery drive, press and hold the power button to shut off the computer while Windows is booting. Doing this twice should give you recovery options that you can use to get into safe mode: Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart

(09-07-2012 09:06 PM)ToastyX Wrote: [ -> ]To reset all displays, run reset-all.exe and reboot. This can be done in safe mode if necessary.
(07-31-2021 11:56 AM)ToastyX Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-07-2012 09:06 PM)ToastyX Wrote: [ -> ]Before making any changes, familiarize yourself with getting into safe mode using a recovery drive in case you can't see the screen. If you don't have a recovery drive, press and hold the power button to shut off the computer while Windows is booting. Doing this twice should give you recovery options that you can use to get into safe mode: Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart

(09-07-2012 09:06 PM)ToastyX Wrote: [ -> ]To reset all displays, run reset-all.exe and reboot. This can be done in safe mode if necessary.

Hello,i did what yoy asked and nothin happens, there is another solution. Regards
Please i need a lot of urgent help
What do you mean nothing happens? What exactly did you do? The solution is to boot into safe mode and run reset-all.exe.
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