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Full Version: Unable to achieve Nvidia Surround 1x3 above 60hz
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As the title states, I'm trying to set up Nvidia Surround 1x3 but I can't set it up past 60hz. I have 3 27" monitors (1xAsus PG279Q, and 2x KTC H27S17) all capable of 165hz on their own but when I enable Nvidia Surround it only goes up to 60hz. From the research I've done, I've been able to narrow down the issue that the 144hz/165hz modes for the monitors are not exactly the same. I came across the "Custom Resolution Utility" via a post on Reddit and it seems like it's exactly what I need to make it work.

From other posts I found on this forum, it has to do with the available "Detailed Resolutions" under the Extension Block section of my displays within CRU but I just cant get the settings quite right. If I try to copy the profiles from below to each of the other monitors, the 2 curved KTC monitors will work but the ASUS will say "Out of Range" and just show a black screen, or the ASUS will work and the 2 KTC monitors will be mostly black with jagged lines at the top of the screen. So clearly I can't use the default timings with each other, so how would I go about finding Detailed Resolution Timings that would work on all 3 monitors?

Would someone be able to please tell me/help me what the correct settings I would need to add to get the refresh rates to line up?

Thank you!

ASUS Monitor Settings

KTC Monitor Settings
There are no correct settings. You just need to find something both models will accept. The CVT-RB and CVT-RB2 standards are most likely to work, but that's not guaranteed since both models seem to be using non-standard timing parameters for 165 Hz. If the monitors are using DisplayPort, you should be able to go up to 714 MHz pixel clock, but you will need to move the detailed resolution to a DisplayID extension block to go beyond 655.35 MHz. If the monitors won't accept the same standard, then it might not be possible to make Surround work with 165 Hz. 120/144 Hz might give you more leeway with the parameters.
(04-06-2023 11:47 PM)ToastyX Wrote: [ -> ]There are no correct settings. You just need to find something both models will accept. The CVT-RB and CVT-RB2 standards are most likely to work, but that's not guaranteed since both models seem to be using non-standard timing parameters for 165 Hz. If the monitors are using DisplayPort, you should be able to go up to 714 MHz pixel clock, but you will need to move the detailed resolution to a DisplayID extension block to go beyond 655.35 MHz. If the monitors won't accept the same standard, then it might not be possible to make Surround work with 165 Hz. 120/144 Hz might give you more leeway with the parameters.

Thanks for the reply ToastyX. Yeah all 3 monitors are hooked up to my RTX 3080Ti via DisplayPort. Could you provide me with a little more insight on what the timings might look like or how I can go about adjusting them to find something that both monitors accept? And then do I need to delete anything? Like the resolutions under Detailed Resolutions or Extension Blocks? I wouldn't mind going down to 144hz, that's fine too. Would you be open to providing some assistance via an instant messenger/chat? I would greatly appreciate it!
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