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Full Version: Describing current video signal
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Hi everyone!

I’m having trouble determining if DSC compression is enabled and finding the current display timings. Is there any software that shows the active signal info in detail? Perhaps CRU has some hidden feature for this? Ideally, I'd love to see something like:

“Display X connected via HDMI 2.1 interface with X speeds on X lanes, using CVT RBv2 timings and DSC off.”
Unfortunately that is driver-specific, and the driver might not provide all that information.

AMD shows the current timing parameters in their control panel, and it also shows the link rate for DisplayPort, but I don't know about HDMI 2.1 FRL rate or DSC status since I don't have a monitor with HDMI 2.1 FRL or DSC.

NVIDIA shows the current timing parameters when adding a custom resolution in their control panel, and if custom resolutions aren't available, it's likely using DSC. GPU-Z will show the link rate for DisplayPort. I don't see a way to get the HDMI 2.1 FRL rate or DSC status using NVAPI.
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