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Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)
05-02-2017, 01:56 PM (Last edited: 05-02-2017, 01:58 PM by striker333)
Post: #2803
RE: Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)
(05-02-2017 07:43 AM)DeFierro Wrote:  
(05-01-2017 11:47 PM)striker333 Wrote:  i have problem with my 144hz monitor it is benq 2720z when i watch any videos the video judder and cant fix this > i tried alot of things nothing worked .can this utility fi this problem .when i set resolution rather than 144 or 120 the monitor gone choppy

What's the framerate of the videos you're trying? you shouldn't have judder if the FPS are multiple of the refresh rate you're using. 24, 30 and 60 FPS shouldn't give you any judder at 120 Hz, the same for 24 and 48 FPS videos at 144 Hz. In case you're watching videos with a different framerate, like 25 FPS at 144 Hz, try using Reclock or Videoclock, or in the last case (not the best option but works anyway) try madvr's smooth motion.

Also be aware that you can be confusing monitor judder (FPS not matching refresh rate) with inter-frame judder (not enough frames to show a smooth camera movement, like in a panning scene). The second one is normal in cinema due to low framerate and there's not much you can do about it, unless you try something like SVP, which tries to solve the issue but adding other artifacts. Nice for cartoons and animation movies, not my cup of tea for cinema in general.

If I were you I'd mess around with a media player with madvr support, I think the problem is there. I have the same monitor and everything runs smoothly.

thx very much for the reply dude . the judder i have with all movies they run at 24fps i have old monitor with native 1080 60hz and have no problems with it all run well .this judder happen just with movies even movies at youtube but not in games
i still searching for a solution .the judder happen to me mmmm i dunno how to describe it but it happens in the moving background of the movie i mean maybe the character dont jugger but if something moved behind him it judder and give me headache i tried svp but didnt like the way it shows movie i got used to cinematic move Big Grin
my judder like this
the problem i think is the hz cuz if i set screen at any hertez rather than 100/120/144 it judder even at desktop
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