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NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
10-02-2012, 10:22 AM
Post: #21
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
(09-07-2012 09:07 PM)ToastyX Wrote:  NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher modifies the NVIDIA video driver to remove the 330 MHz pixel clock limit for dual-link DVI and the 400 MHz limit for SLI.

If you find this software useful, donations are encouraged (but not required).

This version has been tested to work with 304.48 through 306.23 (64-bit only). It is designed to work with future versions if the code doesn't change.
  1. Run nvlddmkm-patcher.exe:
  2. If all limits are found, click "Yes" to patch and sign. If a limit is not found or if multiple matches are found, the program needs to be updated.
  3. Enable test mode using testmode.exe if it isn't already enabled.
  4. Reboot.
You can then add higher refresh rates using the NVIDIA Control Panel or Custom Resolution Utility.

To restore the previous file, run the program again and click "Yes" to restore from backup.

Known issues:
  • 500-series (Fermi) and older GPUs are currently limited to 400 MHz.

3 Questions:
1. Is this the latest patcher compared to
2. If the program needs to be updated as in item 2 above, what do we use? In the post you mentioned running dseo.
3. What exactly do you mean by "the program needs to be updated"?
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10-02-2012, 10:30 PM
Post: #22
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
It means I'll need to update the patcher if it can't find the limits in a newer driver.

The first post will always have the latest version. 1.0 is older and only removes the 330 MHz limit. The current version also removes the SLI limit and doesn't need DSEO.

I'm currently testing a new version that removes the 400 MHz limit for older GPUs:

That one will become version 1.1 once I make sure there are no side effects with newer GPUs.
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10-03-2012, 03:29 PM
Post: #23
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
(10-02-2012 10:30 PM)ToastyX Wrote:  It means I'll need to update the patcher if it can't find the limits in a newer driver.

The first post will always have the latest version. 1.0 is older and only removes the 330 MHz limit. The current version also removes the SLI limit and doesn't need DSEO.

I'm currently testing a new version that removes the 400 MHz limit for older GPUs:

That one will become version 1.1 once I make sure there are no side effects with newer GPUs.

Got it.

Thanks for the clarification Toasty.
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10-09-2012, 07:47 AM
Post: #24
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
Cheers ToastyX, the new patcher works like a charm with older cards (using a 2x gtx 570 classified's) and am successfully running my monitor @ 2560x1440@125hz Smile

Will donate, thanks a bunch Smile
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12-30-2012, 08:27 AM (Last edited: 12-30-2012, 08:29 AM by scheherazade)
Post: #25
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
(09-28-2012 10:21 PM)ToastyX Wrote:  The patcher signs the file for you now, so "Pixel Clock Patcher" is correct. Running the patcher again should let you restore from backup. It looks for the driver file, not the cards. If you still can't get it to restore, then just reinstall the driver.

Did you enable test mode using testmode.exe? Some people are having trouble enabling test mode for some reason. You can get the driver to load by pressing F8 during startup and choosing "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" from the boot menu. The problem is without test mode, you have to do that every time.

The testmode.exe program already tries these two commands:

bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON
bcdedit /store C:\Boot\BCD /set TESTSIGNING ON

If the boot store is on another drive, then you will have to open a command prompt as administrator and set it manually.

You can also try ReadyDriver Plus, but I have not tested it.

Here's my dilemma...

I chain load my windows bootloader off of grub.
Windows bootloader still exists, but is in the first few sectors of the windows partition, as opposed to the MBR itself.

The "bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON" command fails in my normal configuration.
It returns:
"The boot configuration data store could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified"

In order to make it work, I have to hide my other bootable partitions, and set the windows partition to active.
This boots me directly into windows, and then running the command will succeed.

I have the impression that this command is naive, and it tries the earliest partition, or the 'boot/active' partition by default - as opposed to the parition with the bootloader that started windows.

I looked at my windows volume, and there is no <vol>:\Boot\BCD directory. Was that shorthand for "your BCD location", or did you mean that path literally?
If I knew how to properly specify where the BCD is located, it would save me some time when changing this option.

In any case, so far I've had to goto linux and hide my other partitions whenever I try to run the command.

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12-31-2012, 01:31 AM
Post: #26
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
The path is literal. It might be on a separate partition. You would have to assign a driver letter to access it.

Regardless, once test mode is enabled, you don't have to worry about it anymore. It will not disable itself.
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01-07-2013, 03:37 PM
Post: #27
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
I launch test mode.exe but I have inscirption in windows "test mode". How disable test mode?
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01-07-2013, 05:07 PM
Post: #28
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
Test mode needs to be enabled to load the modified driver.

You can use DSEO to remove the watermark in Windows 7:
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01-07-2013, 05:24 PM (Last edited: 01-07-2013, 05:26 PM by dragonlore)
Post: #29
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
(01-07-2013 05:07 PM)ToastyX Wrote:  Test mode needs to be enabled to load the modified driver.

You can use DSEO to remove the watermark in Windows 7:

Thanks but I want to desactivate test mode.

I have tried your driver but I can't have more than without the modified driver. The max with my gtx560ti448 is 2560*1440*78hz
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01-07-2013, 06:58 PM
Post: #30
RE: NVIDIA Pixel Clock Patcher
Run testmode.exe again and click "No" to disable test mode, then reboot.
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